At the forefront of our minds here at Sockshop is the planet, and the ways in which we can shift our business (and life) practices to be as earth-minded as possible. We know that many members of our community and extended Sockshop family feel the same, so read on to discover all of the earth-conscious items in our Eco Edit.
Hi everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read this, I felt like I needed to express it to the world! I love my coworkers. I see their excitement when they have a connection with a customer. They light up when they are complimented about what they've worn to work that day because they take pride in how they look. When they spend a lot of time and energy into helping someone who thanks them and asks them for their name, it makes me grin from ear to ear because they take pride in how they work.Retail is not easy. To be good at our job, we need to be patient, gracious, efficient, and thoughtful; it means navigating multiple needs at once,...
Try one, give one, during our Give Back event with Naot Footwear! This month, from October 7th through October 11th, we are partnering with Naot for a Give Back event to show some love to our local community. For each person who tries on a pair of Naots, one pair will be donated to the Walnut Avenue Family & Women's Center. For each pair that is purchased, and additional pair will be donated. Read on to learn about Walnut Avenue and the Naot #GivesBack program, and check out some of our favorite Naot styles. Walnut Avenue Family & Women's Center For more than 85 years, Walnut Avenue Family & Women's Center has helped individuals and families lead healthy, happy and productive...